Monday, June 14, 2010

summary of what i did and what it meant for me

well how is everyone doing my name is Johnathann and this is my project. what i can say is that i learned allot from listening to other peoples opinion and them expression what football means to them and what they do when they are not with the team. this has opened my eyes to see what other people thing of the game football and what it means to them. this blog helped me learned that it is not just all about me and that you can learn so much from listening and talking to others as well. what i liked that i did was that i was able to show others my action when i say that football is hard work and that should be able to be show that by working out and that will always make you better as well. football is a team thing your teammates are your family and you should never forget that because they have your back when you on the Field where you should be giving 100 percent. football is what controls peoples lives some much because people put their hearts out their and leave the fighting and blood on the Field all the time. football is a SPORT that you can learn some much from. this blog has opened my mind and also let me see that their are friends that you can talk to that share the same love for the sport as you do which could mean so much to anyone in the world. what i did that was nice and can be used is that i share what i know about the sport. me being able to share drills and also my thinking process allows people who love football like me to understand what i mean and thinking about as a wide receivers and also as a CB. FOOTBALL means allot to me and this project has helped me allot and showed me what this sport is all about when you come together with others who share that love f the sport.

40 yard dash part 2

Untitled from Johnathan Drayton on Vimeo.

running routes part 2

Untitled from Johnathan Drayton on Vimeo.

running with the power chute

Untitled from Johnathan Drayton on Vimeo.

40 yard dash part 1

Untitled from Johnathan Drayton on Vimeo.

running routes part 1

Untitled from Johnathan Drayton on Vimeo.

drills to improve your hands

Untitled from Johnathan Drayton on Vimeo.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

what football means to me

What Football Is All About To Me'' football to me is about having fun and giving 100 percent on the football Field on every play. As a student athlete I started to understand that playing football means a lot to me so I had to be really good and on point with my school work to match my performance on the Field. To being a football player you must acquire certain skills and have great discipline on the Field and off the Field where other  people see your character and leadership which stands out. Certain skills show some deployment when you put forth  hard work and show dedication to what every workouts you are doing. When you work hard you and give it every thing you got then you should have improved and got better over time because when you are working hard things pay off. You should have a great feel in side because you are working hard. They say football is a man sport I believe it is because playing an American sport  such like football does cause people to have a lot of competition and wanting to be better then the next man. So that you can start or get playing time on any team or a team period on that note. football means a lot to me for a lot more reasons then just wanting to go pro. Football helps me express my feelings for what I am dill with at home and in school. Playing football on the football field is just one of the places that I feel good being on as a person. For one I get to use my athletic skills and smarts and like I said I express myself to be a better football player. Another thing football does for me is make me watch it on Sundays and make me  wish I was apart of  those moments. football is the only sport on tv that makes me upset if i miss my team playing at all. Football is something that is now a part of my life  sense i started watching the new york jets which is my favorite team.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

''putting in extra work''.

''Putting In Extra Work''. When I workout on Saturdays I do a lot with in three hours or maybe two and a half hours of time. What football is all about to me is planing the time to put in extra work to make my self better. When it comes to competition that is when the long hours I put in come in to action. I believe the more work you put in When you are alone you come to find out how much you really love the sport and how much effort you are willing to put in so that you can be the best player you are able to be.When working out alone you to begin to find your Strengths and weakness and fix them so that others don't find out and export them which could be a problem. working out alone is for people who want to take their game to the next level and surprise others so that they too may want to put in extra work alone as well. working out extra means you want your craft to be stronger. Playing football is a craft to me and that is what i like to do work on my skills. Working out alone also makes you believe that you can do anything you may not thing is possible. As a player I love the game so much. That is what keeps me moving to be better then I am every day. Its the teamwork that makes you realize that you have a team and that helps you get better as a player and a person off the Field. What I also started to realize is that football is a game when you have to have strong teamwork and good communication skills with each other so that you and your teammates are on the same page. Putting in extra work for that comes in when you Practice enough with one another so that way you know what everyone is thinking and that fewer mistakes are made as well.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

welcome how are you doing today

hey as you know this is my blog and the name of my topic is ''what football is all about'' what you expect to see is its name WHAT FOOTBALL IS ALL ABOUT. what i mean by this is that their are varies things that lead up to people whether  it is professional  or high school ball or college ball in this case its high school ball. my self and other team mates that are involved in football will be asked in a serious of question what football means to them in all different kind of ways. you will also see different drills that is involved with the sport football. you will also get a view to what a student football player goes through during a season and summer where you are off of school. it should be intersecting because of the answers we get from student athletes and their opinions they give which is the best way they handle both activities.